Thursday, December 31, 2015

Section One Introduction

Section One: The "Dirt" Part
Section Introduction

What we have here, Planet Earth that is, is a speck of cosmic dust compared to the rather large mass of other cosmic matter we observe with baited breath on clear, starry nights.

Life forms on our dust speck derive their body substance from the soil we all stand upon. If the weird Theory of Evolution ever gets solid traction, maybe one way that could happen would be to re-formulate the Life-inducing process Creator spoke into existence which begins with dirt. Out from that primordial ooze all living flesh beings are formed. "Soil 2 Cuisine" attempts to bridge the chasms which tend to be ignored or glossed over by single-themed titles focused only on one aspect or other of Earth Life, namely Gardening - Pant Health - Table Cuisine with Food Plants.

Our Biosphere includes all forms of and stages of Flesh-Being existence, birth to grave, and afterward, in the forms of bio-decay. "Compost" for our studies in this book.

Our Biosphere began its existence with 100% of the natural nutrients our self-health keeping body requires for optimum health. Over time and detrimental intervention by Mankind, mostly, massive biosphere regions of our tiny planet were rendered useless for overuse of the once fertile soil.

Soil 2 Cuisine is a small contribution aimed at educating and guiding the reader to return to natural nutrition via natural, nutrient-dense soil that this book illustrates how to produce. Hence the name, "Soil 2 Cuisine."

Reading and actually training oneself in the natural, nutrient-dense soil production system makes this project much more than a mere title to read and take back to the library. Instead of a quick read-through, make the contents a key component for your own Natural, Nutrient-dense plant foods health pursuit. It compliments many other healthy plant food guides, like foraging for wild food plants and specific methods of composting. It's a working manual of natural, soil-based nutrition production and preservation.

This section begins at the beginning of Flesh Life, "dirt." Like all solid foundations, train yourself to know and understand, apply and adapt nutrient-dense soils to your individual food plant producing operation.

If this is a volume you hold in your hands, mark the pages everywhere and experience each part before moving to the next. This copy in your hands is literally yours to own and benefit both yourself and any others you may share it with.

Wear it out!

On that note, if the copy you are reading is a digital document, do your best to make a print copy. It's great raw material for compost if it get's too worn and a new print is required!

What Section One Covers - + A Little It Doesn't

When this book came to mind years ago, my objective was, and still is, to share with you the experiences I have with creating and using and enjoying the foods from natural nutrient-dense soils I produce. From first thoughts on contents for this title, there's been more discoveries, and some fairly major revisions to add, alter, and update, such as "hugelkultur," a form of using fresh-cut or rotted logs and heavy branches covered by a raised bed of soil where the wood slowly breaks down over 20 years to form fairly high available nutrients for plants growing in them. I can see this application as a mere way to economically dispose unwanted tree material, but for the active garden, who wants to wait 10-20 years for good soil?

The other material I add is essentially resources that I discover, most of it online. Some is how you can search for local assistance with your soil production.

Again, I do encourage you to see your own good, sustainable health as the driving force behind your need to take this first and second sections with all determination to learn and apply it to your daily life routine. That's why my advice to print it out and bind in a loose leaf format ready for everyday reference. It's best daily guidance is the online references. In the garden many questions come up that are forgotten before you're inside at a computer to seek answers. So, with this guide and your hand held online access, get those important answers on the spot.

Another and perhaps more vital purpose for having this in print is your community garden, and your next door neighbor gardener. Both have people needing immediate information related to soil, plant, and their own nutrient-based health. Make it so convenient to them that you become the resident expert! What harm is there with that?!

Even as this book is quite inclusive, it's still nothing much compared with all the world of available material for your having a nutrient-dense soil and food from it. Let this guide lead you to far more nutrient health information all over Earth!

Carry and share this book with those you go to for consultation and local guidance. Ask their opinions, and accept differences, after they share why they differ. View this as a world of gardening neighbors book guide, to share, lead to more and better gardening, and maybe write your own!

The sections and chapters include these . . .
  • Chapter 1: To Be Decided Later . . .
  • Chapter 2: Raw Material to Produce Nutrient-dense Soil With
  • Chapter 3: Did We Forget To Plan Ahead For Use of Our Soil?
  • Chapter 4: Let's Build It!
  • Chapter 5: Making Certain It "Works"!
  • Chapter 6: Working Pile Maintenance
  • Chapter 7: Harvesting Our New Soil!
  • Chapter 8: Storing and Placing New Soil
  • Chapter 9: Prepping The New & Refurbished Grow Bed
  • Chapter 10: Side Trip: Vermicomposting "Eat Worms"!
  • Chapter 11: Redundance! Too Much Raw Material for Next Build!
  • Chapter 12: Ready? Let's Do This Again!
  • Chapter 13: More Uses for Our Soil!
  • Section One Appendix

Section Two: The "2" Part

·       The "2" Part Introduction
·       Chapter 1: Plants Need the Same Nutrients for Their Health As You!
·       Chapter 2: Let's Begin @ the Start! Planning the Garden You Want
·       Chapter 3: Before Grow Season Plant Propagation; Or Not
·       Chapter 4: Prepping Your New Season Grow Bed(s)
·       Chapter 5: Setting out Early Starts and Seed Planting
·       Chapter 6: Fast Track Healthy Plant Action
·       Chapter 7: Healthy Producing Plants First Need This
·       Chapter 8: Between Planting & Producing Food Plant Care
·       Chapter 9: Betcha Ya Didn't Think About This Mid-Summer!
·       Chapter 10: See Why We Made Careful Plans For Maximum Harvest?
·       Chapter 11: Summer Season End
·       Chapter 12: Fall Harvest
·       Chapter 13: Fall & Winter Planting
·       Chapter 14: Season Wrap & Planning Next Year's Soil & Garden
·       Section Two Appendix

Section Three: The Last Part, er, Cuisine Part

·       Section Three Introduction
·       Chapter One: Why Did We Forget To Do This Part B4 Planting?
·       Chapter Two: Fresh Garden Food Cuisine: Who Can Match?
·       Chapter Three: We Did It! What All This Fresh Food! -Preserving
·       Chapter Four: Sideways Glance; Compare Nutrients In Garden v.s. Store Food
·       Chapter Five: Creating Cuisine Awesome Requires This; Planning
·       Chapter Six: Now! Let's Create Awesome!
·       Chapter Seven: Why Hide Awesome When You Can Do This, Instead?
·       Chapter Eight: Hey! It's Chapter 8!
·       Chapter Nine: This Ain't No Engine # 9!
·       Chapter Ten: Lost References; aka, Old Recipes For Fresh Garden Super Taste!
·       Chapter Eleven: Let's Do This Again! Cuising Roundup Rodeo!
·       Chapter Twelve: Now! Let's Plan Next Year's Cuisine Garden!
·       Section Three Appendix


  1. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog page and left me this link. If you don't mind I would love to link your site to mine and start a collection of like minded people who are here to help people get our soil and food back to the way nature intended. Again, thank you , Jenn

    1. Oops! Didn't catch your kind response! Go for it!

      Yes! Our health is waning for lack of good soil nutrition, Jenn. As you know, that's easy to repair! But it's not so easy to get people DOING nutrient-rich soil production!

      Let's together join and encourage many more to generate free will motive for more people to join and actually create good soil and grow their own foods!

      It's really easy, so Soil 2 Cuisine is like a private tutor sharing instructions and walking motivated gardeners in any kind of garden through their own nutritious soil and food production!

      There are photos from my most recent community garden volunteer last Summer. Take a peek!

      I'm looking for a simple, elegant template to showcase this blog better. Eventually Soil 2 Cuisine will be a Kindle series and a website, plus both free and member editions.

      Welcome, Jenn!
