Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Section Two: Growing Healthy Plants Without Toxic Chemistry

Introduction To Section Two

This section deals with producing, and protecting food plants in nutrient-dense soil.

In geologic records from 7,000 years ago, there are clear indications of areas all across Earth with verdant plants and animals. Since no photos or eye witness agronomy books record for us the biosphere of that time, we must use our current plant health understanding for us to reproduce similar healthy biosphere in our day.

Sadly, we are faced with a determined monopoly of world bankers bent on profiting to the max from literally raping  remaining verdant biosphere regions of our little planet. They own and control all the chemical manufacturers, including both people and plant so-called "health" synthetic medications. The German manufacturers of Death Camp poisons dominate the world's synthetic drug cartels. Yes, the same bankers who owned these lethal drug producers still own and operate them.

This is the reason we still face two opposing camps on people and plant health practice and concept. The bankers behind toxic soil and plant treatments refuse to acknowledge the severity of soil nutrient depletion as they claim that they can produce more synthetic soil amendments and toxic pesticides and herbicides to combat diseases and pests.

As we who value the intense, high energy health this little planet was created with to sustain all Life permanently, the one object we have is to return to that pristine biosphere health before greedy people with only profit as motive raped the regions they occupied of more plant material than prevailing plant health conditions would sustain. Today we have the Great Sahara Desert, thanks to these profiteering people.

Today the Al Gore's who own and profit from mass deforestation of the Amazon River Basin are literally reducing that great source of world oxygen to a vast desert. Yes, the very closed minded "Liberals" who yell and scream and demand "Green Earth" are raping our home!

What's to do?

Be aware. First.

Be informed about both sides of this issue. Know the lies and commercial deceptions constantly blasted in all the media,

For myself, I do not believe there is any chemical manufacturer interested in helping your plants stay healthy!

My reasoning is pretty sound! Judge for yourself.

Here's one of thousands of serious studies about and into the lethal commercial agriculture enterprises of global businesses devoted to large scale eradication of Mankind from the face of Little Earth.











That Stanford University "study" by one of the most inner circle food industry owned state universities tries to down play the facts aired in "Food, Inc."


Follow the above search for many relevant pages on "Food, Inc."

Go to any of the hundreds of sites trying to alert a stupid, media hypnotized populance that is is being systematically destroyed by its food suppliers.

Before drawing any conclusion about mass genocide, go follow up on this clear fact of those who own and manage those mega-international manufacturers of lethal food crops . . .


That just may leave you trembling in frantic disgust. Not to fear: the End is not yet. And the end those schemers are determined to achieve will never take place, for their scheme is flawed beyond any repair . . .


That "peace" which the global order envisions is Monsanto in total power of the lethal foods people and animals consume, and die from. That form of "peace" is also known as the "ultimate peace," which is DEATH.


The Muslim Empire foresees its global empire as a united Islam religious state where the least disagreement is met with swift and merciless beheading. Hitler's ultimate "peace" was extermination of opposition. That typifies the bankers who funded Hitler's Nazi regime ideas of global "peace."

One thing we would do well to remember about the Islam Empire is that those who imposed it long ago, and those who would re-establish it today literally rape the land they live on, by over grazing, harvesting more plant materials than the prevailing biosphere can support. Their lands have abundant moisture in the high strata, but their rape of trees and verdant plant material in their long history of occupying their lands leaves them with vast deserts.

Let's be sure to know the details behind the enticing advertising and overt missionary workers who demand that we pay them heed.

More facts from the hidden archives of bankers

Beyond this certainty of sustained Little Planet Earth's Life Forces, the Life Sustainer, Himself, has some important details He wants us to know, and live by . . .




Beyond the reach of those who would destroy or contain and control Life on Little Earth is the selfless Love Who created even these would-be monsters.


When given the full spectrum of available nutrients, plants maintain health all by themselves. Just as we people have no disease when our diet includes all the nutrients, the disease-resisting capacity of plants maintains their health when provided full nutrients.

Thus so, it is my considered contention that those selling chemicals to keep plants healthy turn a blind eye toward the natural health of plants that are provided full spectrum nutrition. Otherwise, for honest plant health product marketers, these same people would advertise natural nutrient methods for maintaining healthy plants.

Therefore, my contention is that the lack of profit from marketing inexpensive natural nutrient plant health products and information is motivation for deceptive chemical manufacturers to perpetuate their marketing high profit toxic chemicals they claim will help plant be healthy. What other motive does the chemical plant "health" industry have?

That leaves us with just one question:

What do we who love natural health do?

Look for some answers to his key question in this section two of "Soil 2 Cuisine."

Some Resources for and About Plant Nutrition Supply for Their Health


I like this site as they give their reference materials at the bottom of the page above.

Let's examine a social engineering technique designed to misdirect our attention from full spectrum nutrient supply to a few basic ones. It's misleading since the focus is only for assuring supply of so few of the 90+ nutrients good body and plant health requires.

What is living like with complete nutrition in the soil our food comes from? Long, healthy, and Good!

This following page raises an alarm about the soil depletion of harmful profiteering agriculture of modern forced production of food crops with adding just a small number of nutrients at high levels to force plants to produce size without full spectrum nutrient content.

It's not specifically noted, but the nutrient-depleted soils encourage pathogens and harmful insects to infect and feed on unhealthy plant tissue. Synthetic, toxic chemical plant product manufacturers see this as opportunity to develop lethal chemicals to kill bugs and disease organisms. They could not care less about the destruction their products do to beneficial insects and other organisms.

This next page lists several nutrients and plant symptoms caused when they are deficient.

To me, it's rather suspicious when government produces anything focused on remedies for any of its many blunders. One of the most severe blunders the USDA ever made is the encouragement of farmers to increase crop production with severely limited nutrients just to maximize profits for bank-owned and run repossessed farms.

That said, keep a clear mind focused on complete soil nutrition as this page is read . . .

Again, here's another USDA page focused on soil nutrition. Just continue to be aware of what they do NOT include for complete nutrient soil amendment.

This next page makes a clear definition about organic full-spectrum nutrient soils. What it does not include is detailed information for and about assuring the soil actually has full-spectrum nutrition.

Whoever wrote this next page provides misleading nutrient information for the same reason as others who focus on just a few of the 90+ nutrients healthy plants, and our bodies require for disease-free living.

As usual, and sadly so, this next page completely ignores the facts of adequate food production regardless of population, falsely claiming that world population is the cause of poor soil nutrients by right of farmers using lethal synthetic chemicals to increase food production. I include this blatant lie to emphasize the Great Deception by bankers who are determined to convince us that we need to decrease our numbers of people. They only want more of the planet as their motivation to decrease population.

It does not take much deduction to accurately figure that Earth can easily support over a trillion people with optimum nutrition -IF- proper soil health methods are applied. A simple study shows that all people alive can fit in the state of Texas with 31 square feet space for each individual.

This leaves nearly 100% of the rest of the planet to produce food for everyone!

Yet, bankers and the puppet heads of state they control try their most to deceive us the earth is over populated!

Another government agency again misleads us to believe that merely 16 nutrients form full healthy plant nutrition!

Australian government weighs in with the same deception

OK! Enough of the Down Side Already! What's "UP"?
Go here . . .

Read the reader comments for this soil nutrient amendment guide book. Then, make the mental leap to where you "KNOW" that your health depends on what you eat, and those plants depend on their soil to contain the nutrition you need!

Now, buy the spiral bound copy, and USE IT!

The way I see how vital my health is to me, it's all the more vital that the soils I produce for myself and others' health be fully capable of providing and sustaining our best health. This takes deep understanding of soils, and their nutrients and how soils work with plants. Yes, it's a bit tedious work, and kinda boring if my desire is just to go and satisfy my apatite, but then what's more exciting than NOT going to the doctor or hospital!


Read this page carefully. At the end, note the good, simple calculation method for measure and application of nutrients. It's one of the more clear and easy to apply explanations for balanced soil nutrition.

Another key factor you NEED for nutrient-dense soil production is soil testing.

Then you need accurate test connection to your soil to be sure nutrients are added properly.

Can't emphasize that fact enough! However, I'm "guilty" for not paying much attention to soil content for one reason: Cost of amendments. That "cost" includes application and the frustrations mentioned on the above page. The rule of thumb I like is to observe is "How do the plants appear when matured and producing?" That's the bottom line to a limited degree.

By "limited" I mean the best nutrition for your health includes trace minerals plants take up but do not particularly need for their own health. Relying on this simple rule keeps my anxiety low as healthy plants need few added nutrients, and it's rather simple to amend soil after a season or two.

About these links to other pages: One note I cannot stress enough is to save these pages to your computer for archive reference. Countless times I try to find pages with key information I want to go over again, and for any of a zillion reasons the pages are just gone. I also find that grouping many like content pages in one "folder" and compressing it makes for a much smaller file I can later access. And, "No," you are not infringing to keep copies. It's only copyright violation to repost.

"Why Isn't Organic Farming Working Anymore?"

It's no lie. "Organic" farming is dead.

The reason, plain and simple, Big Banker Agro-farming crashed in on this heavily over-priced segment of food production and riddled the wholly-owned private FDA to approved a slew of synthetic chemicals sprayed on, spread on the soil of "organic" plants, and used to preserve them during shipping.
Sadly, or not so sadly, as I shall explain, Organic farming is OVER!

However, NATURAL farming never suffered a blink in its grand practice! What is "Natural" is anything that excludes all synthetic chemicals! It will never pass the phony FDA scam "Organic" test, since this food may have natural disease and pest contents the synthetic poison industry refuses to allow in its "approved" plant foods!


Here's a pleasant "garden" of food health information like healthy plants along a garden path for us to know and appreciate complete nutrients in the soil.

Plant Life Begins With the Root

Look at those sprouting seed next time that you start early seedlings, Or, just go start some to observe the phenomenon of a seed turning into a seedling, then a plant.

All by itself, that seed holds ability to develop into a fully functional plant several million times its seed-state volume!

Or, does it have such ability alone?

Actually, no. That developing plant needs much the same environment the parent plant(s)(Dual for sexual seed creation) lived in. This includes soil microbes, the fungi, mosses, earth worms and other crawlies which consume and breakdown and leave nutrients for the plant's roots to find and absorb.

Then there are fungi that live in symbiotic union with our plant. Here's a good read toward understanding the root's needs of symbiotic fungi to best provide nutrients to the living seedling you are observing.



Now, let's observe soil organisms which harm the root. The purpose here is to know sound facts for providing the full spectrum of nutrients a given plant requires to block harmful organism from damaging it.

Synthetic, chemical plant disease control manufacturers love to publish great-sounding claims about how their stuff makes your plants healthy. The thing they forget is that all synthetic chemicals harm other living organisms that plants often require for optimum growth, and sometimes for survival!

Let's face it right here; nothing beats plant health from natural soil nutrient content!

Nothing else comes close. Especially not synthetic "nutrients."


Healthy Plants Are Resistant to Insects and Disease

Mineral Nutrition Contributes to Plant Disease and Pest Resistance

Managing Nutrition to Control Plant Disease

Cultural Practices and Soil Type are Key Ingredients to Plant Success

But, the soil and air are filled with organisms and substances harmful to plants. Let's know available research on harmful organisms. Here's a place to start. Harmful fungi . . .

How do some fungi attack plants


Types of Fungal Diseases

This search returns quite a number of useful pages about plant fungal pathogens. Some more useful ones are . . .





For your specific garden, consult local garden groups, the local Ag Extension Service, and Master Gardeners, stores that specialize in gardening. Just beware; Master Gardeners and most stores are trained by and market synthetic disease controls. Once you have accurate details of a specific disease, go online and look up natural controls.

General Natural Farm - Gardening Articles

Let's start this section.

Couldn't quite figure out where to put this link! Yet, this book is for anyone anywhere.


Section One: The "Dirt" Part

  • Chapter 1: To Be Decided Later . . .
  • Chapter 2: Raw Material to Produce Nutrient-dense Soil With
  • Chapter 3: Did We Forget To Plan Ahead For Use of Our Soil?
  • Chapter 4: Let's Build It!
  • Chapter 5: Making Certain It "Works"!
  • Chapter 6: Working Pile Maintenance
  • Chapter 7: Harvesting Our New Soil!
  • Chapter 8: Storing and Placing New Soil
  • Chapter 9: Prepping The New & Refurbished Grow Bed
  • Chapter 10: Side Trip: Vermicomposting "Eat Worms"!
  • Chapter 11: Redundance! Too Much Raw Material for Next Build!
  • Chapter 12: Ready? Let's Do This Again!
  • Chapter 13: More Uses for Our Soil!
  • Section One Appendix

Section Two: The "2" Part

·       The "2" Part Introduction
·       Chapter 1: Plants Need the Same Nutrients for Their Health As You!
·       Chapter 2: Let's Begin @ the Start! Planning the Garden You Want
·       Chapter 3: Before Grow Season Plant Propagation; Or Not
·       Chapter 4: Prepping Your New Season Grow Bed(s)
·       Chapter 5: Setting out Early Starts and Seed Planting
·       Chapter 6: Fast Track Healthy Plant Action
·       Chapter 7: Healthy Producing Plants First Need This
·       Chapter 8: Between Planting & Producing Food Plant Care
·       Chapter 9: Betcha Ya Didn't Think About This Mid-Summer!
·       Chapter 10: See Why We Made Careful Plans For Maximum Harvest?
·       Chapter 11: Summer Season End
·       Chapter 12: Fall Harvest
·       Chapter 13: Fall & Winter Planting
·       Chapter 14: Season Wrap & Planning Next Year's Soil & Garden
·       Section Two Appendix

Section Three: The Last Part, er, Cuisine Part

·       Section Three Introduction
·       Chapter One: Why Did We Forget To Do This Part B4 Planting?
·       Chapter Two: Fresh Garden Food Cuisine: Who Can Match?
·       Chapter Three: We Did It! What All This Fresh Food! -Preserving
·       Chapter Four: Sideways Glance; Compare Nutrients In Garden v.s. Store Food
·       Chapter Five: Creating Cuisine Awesome Requires This; Planning
·       Chapter Six: Now! Let's Create Awesome!
·       Chapter Seven: Why Hide Awesome When You Can Do This, Instead?
·       Chapter Eight: Hey! It's Chapter 8!
·       Chapter Nine: This Ain't No Engine # 9!
·       Chapter Ten: Lost References; aka, Old Recipes For Fresh Garden Super Taste!
·       Chapter Eleven: Let's Do This Again! Cuising Roundup Rodeo!
·       Chapter Twelve: Now! Let's Plan Next Year's Cuisine Garden!
·       Section Three Appendix

Interspersed Activities List

Section One: The "Dirt" Part

  • Chapter 1: To Be Decided Later . . .
  1. Taking Stock - Make a notebook with two+ pages for each chapter in this guide. On the first and second page write the name of the chapter activities. Reserve the rest of the space for chapter notes.
  2. Taking Stock: Find or make space(s) to build the compost pile and the finished soil storage area. Note: Be careful to read and follow guides in the chapter! Note 2: At the sight of the compost pile, allow space to put(Stage) raw materials as they arrive so they are ready and close to the pile to save work.
  • Chapter 2: Raw Material to Produce Nutrient-dense Soil With
  1. Gauge how much volume of new soil your growing beds need for one season. Multiply this amount by 4 to see how much raw material is needed.
  2. Let's make an inventory list for the usable raw materials available, where each is located, and if applicable, when available.
  • Chapter 3: Did We Forget To Plan Ahead For Use of Our Soil?
  1. List the plants to be grown in your new soil. Beside each plant name note the soil and environment it best grows in. This can be numbers or letters that are cross referenced to short details for each type of environment and soil. Be sure to make sure the desired plants have their preferred spot available! There's no substitute for 8 hours of full sun!
  2. Determine the type of soil each plant needs and where to obtain the necessary materials.
  • Chapter 4: Let's Build It!
  1. First things, first! If not done already, make sure there is enough of each type of raw material for building each part of the pile. If there is enough first layer material but too little second or third, either wait or place the first layer then wait and collect the next layer material. The build can take all the time necessary to build as material becomes available. However, be sure to follow the "recipe" as it is key for success!
  2. Reread the building guide. Note any differences the pile you are building requires. 
  • Chapter 5: Making Certain It "Works"!
  1. Good Job building! Now, sit back and relax, just a bit. You deserve it! We need the simple temperature gauging tool mentioned in the chapter. Any sturdy metal rod will do. Plastic and fiberglass resist heat so it's best to stick to metal. Remember, the thicker the rod the longer it requires to heat up to the temperature of the pile. Also, the rod will cool the material it touches, so a second placement for thicker rods will be necessary for accurate sense of actual heat.
  2. Two things are "musts" for good decomposing activity: A. The right moisture. B. The right air flow.

    To make the pile wet enough, add water to the pile at about the half-built point, then over the top of the finished pile. Watch the bottom of the pile to tell when the water penetrates the entire pile. We'll call this the "first" watering.

    The second requirement for good success: When the pile is built, cover the top and sides with 1 to 2 inches of sand, sod, or other fine material that will benefit plant health. Do not cover with anything that blocks air or water!
  • Chapter 6: Working Pile Maintenance
  1. After the pile gets hot, in about 5 to 8 days for one with lots of green grass, use the metal temperature gauge rod to check on moisture inside the pile. The heat and air flow are constantly drying the pile. Add small amounts of water and check to be sure it penetrates down to dry spots.
  2. About every three days check the pile heat in several places. The pile with evenly-distributed materials will produce even heat over the whole pile. To increase heat, stand on top and pack it down hard as possible. Once the process is going well, the pile will slowly compress from its own weight. This is the main reason for using small branch material layers that maintain air flow as the pile settles.
  • Chapter 7: Harvesting Our New Soil!
  1. After 12 to 15 days, gauge the internal heat. If it's still well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, allow several more days time, and check again. At 15 days, and the pile is visibly decomposed, dig into a spot for a foot or so to check the material, Black or very dark brown from original green marks complete process. For original "brown" material, black or dark brown AND very water-saturated appearance is a good sign. If the pile dried some, there may be a coating of white fungus. This is a beneficial life form that helps reduce plant material to its nutrient level.
  2. At about 100 degrees F, and the material is visibly soft, dark brown, and well composted, it's ready to filter out the branch material and larger particles that need more breakdown. However, this larger material is fine for filling planting holes for trees. It is well into the decomposing and tree roots love decaying woody material.

    For vegetable beds and plant pots, rake, fork or screen out these larger pieces. Have a spot to shelter or cover the finished soil, if it is to wait before filling grow beds and pots. Rain leaches nutrients out.
  • Chapter 8: Storing and Placing New Soil
  1. Let's step back a minute to take stock of what we've accomplished to this point.

    On your Notes' Worksheet for this chapter list major highlights of your great progress! At this stage you deserve a big pat on the back! Congratulations!

    Now, what's to do with that beautiful pile of nutrient-dense soil you just made? Think of all the possibilities! Matter of fact, Brainstorm a bit and go over your garden plans. Go to YouTube and other video venues to look for and observe new ideas!
  2. Take awhile to dig into possibilities? Always good to be open to change!

    With firmer goals for how to use this great stuff, go do it! First, though, a plan and map might help?
  • Chapter 9: Prepping The New & Refurbished Grow Bed
  1. I hope you decided on something new to add or change up your garden! In any case, now the plan, and map? are in hand, let's go out and get started. For former grow beds, the soil needs turning. Likely earth worms in it are starving, so let's feed them first. As you turn the soil, lift every other fork(or shovel) out and place kitchen wastes, lawn clippings, old half rotted leaves and yard wastes, and, yes! corrugated cardboard(Torn to small pieces) near the bottom of the bed. Water thoroughly.

    Do the same for a new bed - first adding a layer of worm feed at the bottom. The More the better, if it's fairly course. Finer particle feed needs mixing with the bottom layer of new soil so it keeps from matting into a smelly mass.

    The soil should be level with the top of an 8" side grow bed. It settles during the season. Especially so for root crops.
  2. Believe, or don't, your new soil is going to run short of nitrogen quick! Most nitrogen in the new pile was used for decomposition. Get urea, if available. It's the most nitrogen for the buck at 46% available nitrogen. Just add it to the side of new plants or seedlings. For seed planting, wait to add nitrogen till the second to 6th week after germination, then side dress along the side, or between rows. It's really amazing to watch those plants leap up!

    During the 6th to 8th week, again side dress nitrogen. Cover it with an inch of soil and water in well. Careful! The tender roots die in direct contact to urea!
  • Chapter 10: Side Trip: Vermicomposting "Eat Worms"!
  1. OK, OK! Don't Eat worms! This activity begins with searching on YouTube, or getting books at the library, or Amazon, about vermicomposting. There's even a website named "vermicomposting"!

    The things you learn will amaze you! Actually, the feeding, care and working earth worms for soil production is easy. Like all livestock these little critters need habitat, feed, water and nutrition to remain healthy. Yes, they can get diseases and die rapidly, but not if we do common sense care.

    Make notes from what you learn, and see if vermicomposting in any part of the garden will work.
  2. Ready to start worm farming? Great! Grab a piece of paper and pencil. Go out and scope out the available garden space that seems suitable. Read this chapter for the specific requirements. Have them?

    Decide how much feed you have available every week of the year. The size of worm bin is determined by this amount. Find a ready source of any earth worm available. Red Wrigglers are popular, but not necessary. Find a farm with a muddy barnyard and you've got manure worms, a hardy species that loves rotting stuff!

    Tear up enough corrugated cardboard to make a three to five inch covering on the bottom of the bin, followed by fine sand for digestion grit, then a layer of earthy soil mixed with the feed you have on hand. Water until sopping wet. The porous base of the bin allows excess water to drain. Spread the worms over the surface. Add a layer of feed then sprinkle with fine sand, then a layer of cardboard, then just soil about an inch thick to prevent drying.

    After four days, use a fork to dig into the bin and turn a forkful over. There should be a lot of happy, wriggling worms! If not, but all looks  good, just wait a week and repeat. If not by then, look for dry matter, feed too rotted and clumped, or worms migrated to another part. The bottom layer of cardboard allows water through, but the worms will not wiggle out before they feast on all that delicious cardboard!
  • Chapter 11: Redundance! Too Much Raw Material for Next Build!
  1. Often I find that people I request to bring their kitchen wastes, yard debris and all the raw material I have from the garden amounts to quite a bit more than there is room for the pile! Not to worry! Just build the next pile to the size it should be, and left overs can wait for the next build. Just add a bit less to the staging area, or if it's near season's end, take it all, and there's enough for an additional Fall pile build.
  2. During Winter, find and bring "brown" material to the staging area, Half rotted is great! In the late Winter, up to very early Spring, make your first build of the new year. Be ready for another pile as people and you generate Spring cleaning material. Make a list of suppliers and some idea of quantity expected from each. It's better to say "No" before they arrive with too much!
  • Chapter 12: Ready? Let's Do This Again!
  1. This is a bit redundant! I include this chapter to point out that producing good soil is a continual activity limited only by the time you give to it. Doing it for several years, or cycles, gives you a handle on making it work best for how you need it to fit with you gardening. I do caution, however, go slowly! It's easy to burn out doing too much too soon! The lifting and moving is WORK! It's time consuming, too. Enjoy it rather than endure it!
  2. Let's take a break here. Grab that notepad and go over the entire cycle. Update notes and make new ones that tailor this activity to your own gardening.

    You may find it helpful here to peek into the next section. it is focused on the plants. This soil production is all about that, so be smart and peek!

    Make notes, too!
  • Chapter 13: More Uses for Our Soil!
  1. Yup, yup. There's many uses for this soil! Sell it! Fill pots. share with the neighbor! Donate it, and then your new skill set to a community garden. Go to a local garden group and teach them! Make their soil!
  2. This activity is searching for ways to use your soil. Since we covered vermicomposting too, search ways to use that soil. Learn how to add it to the soil you produce, too. Then go share all this with the neighbor!
  • Section One Appendix

Section Two: The "2" Part

·       The "2" Part Introduction
·       Chapter 1: Plants Need the Same Nutrients for Their Health As You!
·       Chapter 2: Let's Begin @ the Start! Planning the Garden You Want
·       Chapter 3: Before Grow Season Plant Propagation; Or Not
·       Chapter 4: Prepping Your New Season Grow Bed(s)
·       Chapter 5: Setting out Early Starts and Seed Planting
·       Chapter 6: Fast Track Healthy Plant Action
·       Chapter 7: Healthy Producing Plants First Need This
·       Chapter 8: Between Planting & Producing Food Plant Care
·       Chapter 9: Betcha Ya Didn't Think About This Mid-Summer!
·       Chapter 10: See Why We Made Careful Plans For Maximum Harvest?
·       Chapter 11: Summer Season End
·       Chapter 12: Fall Harvest
·       Chapter 13: Fall & Winter Planting
·       Chapter 14: Season Wrap & Planning Next Year's Soil & Garden
·       Section Two Appendix

Section Three: The Last Part, er, Cuisine Part

·       Section Three Introduction
·       Chapter One: Why Did We Forget To Do This Part B4 Planting?
·       Chapter Two: Fresh Garden Food Cuisine: Who Can Match?
·       Chapter Three: We Did It! What All This Fresh Food! -Preserving
·       Chapter Four: Sideways Glance; Compare Nutrients In Garden v.s. Store Food
·       Chapter Five: Creating Cuisine Awesome Requires This; Planning
·       Chapter Six: Now! Let's Create Awesome!
·       Chapter Seven: Why Hide Awesome When You Can Do This, Instead?
·       Chapter Eight: Hey! It's Chapter 8!
·       Chapter Nine: This Ain't No Engine # 9!
·       Chapter Ten: Lost References; aka, Old Recipes For Fresh Garden Super Taste!
·       Chapter Eleven: Let's Do This Again! Cuising Roundup Rodeo!
·       Chapter Twelve: Now! Let's Plan Next Year's Cuisine Garden!
·       Section Three Appendix

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